Fire in the Sky: Canadian Family in Israel Says It’s Business as Usual After Attack

Fire in the Sky Canadian Family in Israel Says It's Business as Usual After Attack

In the quiet predawn hours of a Sunday, the Appel family’s semblance of tranquility was shattered as their apartment in Jerusalem trembled under the force of an unexpected assault. Leah Appel, a Canadian expatriate, and her family were jolted awake by a terrifying cacophony that turned out to be a volley of drones and missiles raining down on their adopted city.

This intense onslaught from Iran marked a significant escalation in the already fraught tensions across the region, signaling a potentially dangerous shift in the ongoing conflict. Unbeknownst to many, including the Appels, this attack could have far-reaching implications, not only for Israel but for the stability of the entire Middle East. Despite the severity of the situation, life in Jerusalem swiftly returned to its routine rhythm, a stark testament to the resilience and adaptability of its residents who are no strangers to the specter of conflict.

Background on the Attack

Iran’s attack on Israel was marked by the deployment of several drones and missiles targeting various locations. This incident has been perceived globally as a possible escalation in the already tense relationship between Israel and Hamas. The international community has been closely monitoring the situation, concerned about the potential for further regional destabilization.

The Appel Family’s Experience

Leah Appel, originally from Montreal, Canada, and her husband Moshe, described the ordeal as unlike anything they had ever experienced. “It felt like 1000 ton weights had been dropped in the apartment above ours,” Leah recounted.

The couple and their two children quickly gathered their emergency bags and moved to their apartment building’s bomb shelter, a precaution that has become part of their routine since moving to Israel after the October 7 attack on the country.

During the attack, Israeli defense systems, including the Iron Dome, were instrumental in intercepting approximately 99 percent of the incoming projectiles. Moshe ventured outside with neighbors to assess the situation once the initial chaos subsided. By 2:30 a.m., the skies were clear, and the immediate threat had seemingly passed.

Daily Life Resuming Post-Attack

Despite the severity of the night’s events, the resilience of the Jerusalem residents shone through by daybreak. Moshe noted that by 8:00 a.m., life in the city had resumed its usual pace. People were out in cafes, parks were lively with families, and buses were filled with commuters heading to work. The normalcy of the morning starkly contrasted the dramatic incidents of the night.

Impact on the Children

The Appel children demonstrated remarkable resilience. Leah’s 10-year-old son returned to sleep in the bomb shelter, comforted by the familiarity and safety among friends. Their 11-year-old daughter, prepared with an emergency bag, closely followed the news, ready to respond if needed. This adaptability is reflective of the broader resilience seen in children living in conflict zones.

Broader Implications and Reactions

The attack has sparked a complex web of diplomatic reactions. While Israel contemplates retaliation, global leaders urge restraint to prevent further escalation. Back in Canada, the Jewish community, led by figures like Francis Weil from Moncton, New Brunswick, watched with bated breath but maintained confidence in Israel’s defense capabilities.

In Tehran, surprise and fear were common sentiments among the residents following the news of Iran’s offensive. Alireza Ghandchi, visiting from Canada, expressed that most locals found the attack unwarranted and feared possible retaliation.


As the dust settles, the Appel family and many others in Jerusalem hope for a de-escalation of tensions. The recent events have once again brought to the forefront the delicate balance of power in the region and the ever-present need for durable peace solutions. While the immediate crisis was averted, the underlying conflicts remain unresolved, continuing to affect the lives of millions in the region and beyond.
